Wednesday, August 20, 2008

I have a theory

For a while now, I have had a theory...

I believe that when working with a number of strands of yarn held together… you can use ANY combination of colours at all… and still come out with a decent looking bag. I really do.

But I haven't tested this theory as yet.

a theory - awful yarn choice

Now is my chance!

Little Miss Four has requested that I make her a bag. She chose her three colours (all by herself) and was so pleased with her decision. Alas… they look really crappy together… so this is my chance to test out the theory.

Her favourite yarn is an awful pink and yellow wool. She has been wanting me to make her something from this wool for such a long time... but every time I start using it, the colours work up atrociously, and I abandon it. It was my first (and last) attempt at food colour dying!

The others choices are a green fleck and a brown fleck yarn. I would certainly NEVER choose to put these three colours together… so this will be interesting!


  1. I can't wait to see the outcome! lol

    I hope your theory turns out to be true :) gotta love kids who know what they want!

  2. just started working on it annie... I'm actually very surprised at the results so far!

    my theory might be right after all :)

    will post some photos tomorrow

  3. It' uncanny that you should be doing this now. I am also trying the colour theory, but it is a vest for myself. I am using this as a stash buster project as well as putting odd colours together.

  4. oooohhhh cat... I'll definitely be watching out for the results of that experiment

  5. I am sure the look on Little Miss Four's face when she sees her very own bag made by her very own mother leaves no doubt as to the success of the project. Theory be deary.

  6. I can't wait to see it ! I actually like the pink/yellow yarn BTW :-)

  7. thanks karen... she is very excited to see it finished!

    stramenda... I liked the pink and yellow when I first dyed it... but after attempting so many projects with it unsuccessfully, I've started to hate it! plus it kind of goes a weird peach/orange colour where the two colours blend together

  8. I have to agree with your color theory - I actually used it a couple of times when I was quilting back in college. It worked up beautifully every single time! (I looove the bag, btw.)

  9. aimee - it seems such a simple theory too, doesn't it... it's not so much about the colours, but how you use them... make you realise you really can craft with anything!
