Saturday, September 11, 2010

if one is good, then two must be better


So I suddenly realised that I didn't have a plan for the back of the granny cushion...

Option 1: I could leave it plain... but then I know it would drive me insane everytime it flipped over on the couch (and believe me - there is a whole lotta cushion flipping that goes on at our place!)

Option 2: I could work a different square for the back, and then I have the option of intentionally flipping for a different look... but then I know that I will end up favouring one side more than the other... and my least favourite side will be the one it always ends up on.

Option 3: Is the winner. The back will be EXACTLY the same as the front, so that it doesn't matter which way the cushion sits!

Now, I'll be the first to admit... it's not too often that I make two pieces which are an exact replica of one another... remember those socks I made? Even they didn't match!



  1. A lotta cushion flipping going on, eh ... you live a wild and crazy life!!

    Seriously, you've given me an idea - not a new one, I'm sure, just new for me - a cushion with the two sides of different colours (or dominant colours), both of which are accent colours for the room. Good for places where two cushions (each a differnt colour) would be too many.

  2. And, I keep meaning to add, I am envious of how even your work is - how many years of practice does it take to get that good?

    I'm a little afraid to hear the answer.

  3. I love the colors of your granny square. What type of yarn are you using?

  4. Those are some extremely neat/even granny squares :)

  5. I'm making some granny square cushions for the lounge room, too, and am thinking the backs will end up being trebles. I'll likely do it so I can overlap by a row so it can be buttoned with some statement buttons. Either way, it will have to be coordinating colours for the front, the cushion underneath, the lounge and the walls...
