Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Designers Challenge?

solenoid cable

Now, I'm still keen on the Stained Glass Challenge which I blogged about yesterday... but I've also come across another interesting one. Maybe it will appeal to you, too.

The group is called Designers Challenge. Each month they launch a new challenge... instructing you on what object to make, what theme to adhere to, and which technique to use. It sounds terribly structured, but there is plenty of room for individual interpretation.

The October Challenge really appeals to me.

The Object
to make this month is a sculpture or artistic decoration... oooohhhhh, I could make almost anything - there's so many possibilities there

The Theme
is celestial/outer space... I'm thinking some weird alien kind of a thing - golly! I've never done anything like that before! (okay, maybe once or twice)

The Technique
is to use non-fibery objects in addition to knitting/crocheting (wire, found objects, etc)... well, I can totally do that - I have a room full of non-fibery delights to work with

cables crazy

So where exactly am I going to start? Honestly don't know...

But I'm thinking that I might work with wire cables.

Remember those ceramic flying ducks which were popular back the 1950s? People would hang them in a set of three on their walls... Maybe I'll work up a variation on that idea, but with an outer space theme?

Master Eight is keen to decorate his room with a space theme. We've recently painted it, and I've purchased some of those vinyl wall stickers to put up... spaceships, stars, planets, etc. So I'm thinking maybe a sculpture of some kind to go into his bedroom. Actually, I might ask him to collaborate with me on this one. It would help me with some direction.

In the meantime, here's a photo of the gorgeous boy with his new sister:

ben and charlotte


  1. You should also check out my design challenge group on Ravelry... It's called "Design Along" and you make a design in three months based on a crow-sourced moodboard.

    HAHA! I went to get the link to the group and then I noticed that you had just joined ;P

  2. For the space stuff.... I highly recommend you consider Saturn. Those rings make it so much fun to play with. And of course there is always the 1930's style rocket with fins to consider.

    Also, if you're interested in pictures (for Master Eight's room) my hubby does Astronomy photography for his hobby. He has his pictures posted on Flickr at: You are welcome to print them and hang them in your son's room. We get them printed in 12" square at the Costco here for cheap and share them with family, friends, etc.

  3. What a wonderful picture that last one is! Oh, no, you've made me long for a baby - haven't had that feeling in years!
