Monday, October 10, 2011

Freeform Hat In Progress

When I made my Freeform Bag, there were loads of leftover pieces... so I've decided to make them into a hat. Actually there's enough there for more than just one hat... but I'll start with one and see how it goes.


The plan is for a square shaped hat, so I've cut out a template 52 x 22cm. I'll then piece together all my scrumbles to fit the template.

I've taken a few progress photos so that you can get an idea of how it comes together.

I started with a few flower motifs:


And joined some of them together:


Then worked some single crochet around them:


And added some embroidery to embellish:


See how it starts to take on a life of it's own?


  1. I absolutely love it! I so wish I knitted/crocheted.

  2. [...] Freeform Hat in Progress. I love how this Laughing Purple Goldfish Designs post gives some insight into how the process works when making a freeform but wearable piece. [...]

  3. I enjoyed following the whole entry, I always thought one of the main things to count when you write a blog is learning how to complement the ideas with images, that's exploiting at the maximum the possibilities of a ciber-space! Good work on this entry!
