Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Kooky for Owls...

Quirky Owl

I have to warn you...

I've gone a little bit KOOKY for OWLS!

The rest of the world seems to have been "Owl Crazy" for several years now...

And I've refused to get on the bandwagon.

Not because I don't like owls. Quite the opposite. In fact I love them.

But I like to do my own thing, not just follow the trends of others.

Only then I made an owl... and another... and another...

There are at least 12 owls currently scattered around my desk - in various stages of completion...

And I'm sitting here mentally choosing the yarns for my next one!

Obsessed much???

Quirky Owl


  1. You are so creative! This little owl is adorable.

  2. This little guy is really cute. I can see the attraction!
