Monday, July 15, 2013

Repairs to the Paper Mache Mannequin...

Paper Mache Mannequin

I'm a bit hopeless when it comes to FINISHING things...

Surely I'm not the only one, right?

It's just that other projects come along, with new inspiration - and I can't help but go chasing them.

This paper mache mannequin was started back in April 2012... but never actually finished.

There was always supposed to be more layers of paper, including a top layer of torn sheet music,,, and then a few coats of clear lacquer.

But I barely got one layer on.

In fact, if you look at the lower section of the body - you can see that I used giant pieces of paper, just to get that first layer finished quickly!

That was pretty lazy - even for me...

Paper Mache Mannequin

So I shouldn't really be surprised that the neck broke a few month ago, while I was trying to block a hat on it (and pushing WAY too hard, might I add).

Paper Mache Mannequin

The other day, we received our copy of the local White Pages... which usually goes straight from the front doorstep to the Recycle Bin. I honestly don't know why they print so many copies of these any more. Sure, some people still use them - but I would think most people look business numbers up online these days - or refer to the individual business websites...

Paper Mache Mannequin

This year I'm putting my copy to good use.

Paper Mache Mannequin

I love the way the tiny print is looking. It still has that recycled feel, but doesn't distract in the way that the newsprint does...

So while it's a nice sunny day, I'm outside adding layers of paper mache - in the hope that I actually finish this off properly by the end of the week!


  1. Perfect use for a phone book lol. At least you create, I am so busy not finishing things constantly ☺
    Oh back to that bear rug......

  2. How do you start this mannequin? I suppose I would have to build a form...I just started following you. Thanks, this is a great idea. I make a lot of hats so making display heads would be ideal.

  3. I'm just like you with finishing projects, something more interesting comes along!! Btw people still use phone books,especially those who do not own a computer,like my mom!! also,I love following your gives me incentive to create and recycle,but it encourages my packrattiness,ha ha.

  4. Gigi - here's the post where I started the mannequin:
