Monday, June 9, 2008

I want to have another baby...

I am so in love with this baby afghan!!!

baby afghan

It's so soft... and snuggly... and fun... and random... and it makes me want to have another baby

Which is highly unlikely, since I already have my hands full with three little munchkins. And my crafting time would greatly decrease if I was add to the brood. Maybe it's not such a good idea after all. I wonder?

I made this baby blanket for a very dear friend who is expecting her first baby in only a few weeks... yay... a baby girl... I'm so excited!

Since I am well aware of how a household with young children operates, I wanted to make a gift which was practical in every way. It was especially important that it be EASY to care for. Ideally machine washable. And dryer-proof. Just to be certain, I have already run this blanket through my washer and dryer. It came out even nicer than it went in!

So I worked this up in a variety of different cottons reclaimed from ladies jumpers. Crocheted in random stripes. Also using random stitch types for each row. No sewing in those pesky ends either. Just trim them to a standardish length and let them fray in the dryer. Too easy.

baby afghan (closeup with tassel)


  1. You know what..... I have a niece who was born last Wednesday who would just love this!!! ;)

    Have had a ball reading your blog!



  2. This is such a beautiful afgan. Doesn't the cotton shrink in the wash? Or does that not matter? I LOVE cotton, but am always worried about the shrinkage...

  3. the cotton DOES shrink a bit in the wash/dryer... but I don't find it a problem on a project like this...

    mind you... I wouldn't be game to put a cotton garment through the same treatment!

  4. Thanks! You are definitely fostering a love for cotton in me! LOL

  5. cotton is just perfect for some projects... and this is one of them
