Wednesday, January 28, 2009

the milkweed project

Have you heard about The Milkweed Project yet???

click here to find out all about it...

Essentially, this is a collaborative project... they are planning to deck out the inside of a gallery so that it looks and feels like you are inside a milkweed pod. Shan is calling for knitters and crocheters from all over the world, to make a piece and send it to her... and she will be assembling them all as a part of the exhibit.

If you feel at all inspired to join in - GO FOR IT! It's a wonderful opportunity to play randomly with some yarn... you can't go wrong... seriously! Just have a play and see what you can come up with. You can drop stitches, the edges can be wavy, nothing is a MISTAKE!

I have to say a big thank you to Sam... who read about me having lost my mojo, and suggested this project as a way of helping me get back on track. Much appreciated.

I've decided to use this yarn, which I won in a competition last year. It is soft and fluffy with a little bit of sparkle... should be perfect! I think I'll work it up with my 20.0mm hook

milkweed yarn


  1. :-)

    Can't wait to see what you come up with. I have lots of ideas buzzing in my head myself. It's a good chance to experiment, without worrying about the end result :-))

  2. hmm, i thought it was supposed to be white yarn? i was thinking about doing it, but now i'm a bit confused. :) thanks, and i love your blog!

  3. Oooh, the yarn is so beautiful! Must go check out the project. Thanks

  4. I looked at the project and it is really interesting, but, yes, isn't the yarn supposed to be white or off-white? And isn't the yarn you won in that competition off-white colour?

  5. sam - thanks again!

    lauren k - hmmm... now I'm confused too... this IS white yarn... very white, very fluffy, has some faint silver threads running through it... you should definitely join in :)

    lisab - join us... JOIN US!!!

    misha - yes... the yarn is a white colour... just wondering what colour it looks like to everyone else?

  6. it looks like blue on this picture... when i went to the site i almost wanted to warn you that you should use white:-)

  7. Hi! Thanks for the link to The Milkweed Project. I'm always amazed at how different color looks on different monitors. The yarn as you describe it sounds perfect!


  8. yay! i joined the milkweed project too while on ravelry. i think it will be fun and exciting to be part of this art project.

  9. I can hear the Monarch butterflies clapping their wings in delight at the interest and enthusiasm for this adventure. Horray for Shan!

  10. anon - thanks... it's definitely white :)

    shan - you're welcome

    puglette - yay! good on you... it's always fun to try something unusual

    karen - indeed :)
