Tuesday, February 3, 2009

a mountain of yarn...

Do you recognise this yarn???

more reclaimed yarn - january

Last time you saw it was in this post here

All unraveled and clean... and ready to add to the stash!


  1. WOW! I subscribed to your blog at the time you were seeking your mojo and found it at the thift store. My knitting skills is the basic knit stitch and combining different colors and textures to make scarves. I am stoked to go down to my favorite thrift store and find a knit sweater or two to unravel and reclaim for future scarves. Thanks for doing this blog!

  2. I think I need another trip to Melbourne soon *ponders*

  3. You're quite quick at this unravelling lark, aren't you?
    That's why you have this lovely, huge stash, and I...don't!
    I shall give myself a stern talking to! ;-)

  4. What a beautiful mountain of yarn! I can't wait to see what becomes of it.

  5. susan - you're welcome... I just want to share the love of recycling :) it's fabulous fun... and gives you an amazing sense of achievement... happy unraveling days ahead for you!

    tea - we're only a stone's throw away :)

    sam - sometimes yes... sometimes NO! depends on my mood... and also the garment... these ones were all brilliantly simple to work with

    mary ellen - me too! I don't have firm plans for any of it as yet...

  6. i love your blog & am fairly new to the world of reclaiming items...i hadn't really thought beyond just finding what I needed at thrift stores. i love that you can take something old, out of style or just plain ugly & make it into something else & TOTALLY beautiful!

    thanks for all the inspiration, even when you lose your mojo!

  7. A friend of mine sent me here because what you do reminded her so much of me! I am going to look forward to coming here and enjoying reading and seeing what you have done! Great thrift store find!


  8. As soon as I saw it all piled up I remembered the jumpers you had got from the thrift store. Haven't you done well it looks lovely. Bet you cant wait to get working with it.

  9. absolutely lovely!!!!!!!!! I so want to get over there and beg you for some! ;)

  10. meredith - you're welcome... it's all so much fun to try

    nelishia - another kindred spirit... wonderful... this is what I love about the internet... loke minded souls can FIND one another

    judith - what a difference a week makes, hey!

    ct - thanks :)

  11. I've just joined and just love your blog! Thanx for the inspiration!
