Monday, September 14, 2009

remember me???

Hello... remember me???

I'm not entirely sure what happened there... but man it's been a long, long time since my last post, hasn't it?

I've had so many wonderful messages from my readers - expressing both concern and encouragement - and I really, really, REALLY appreciate it. As a blogger... you sometimes wonder whether or not there is anyone out in cyberspace actually reading what you write. It totally cheered me up to hear that I was missed!

I didn't really plan to drop off the radar. It just kind of happened.

You know the way one thing snowballs into the next? And before you know it... it all turns into something huge. Well, that's pretty much what happened...

Lots of significant life changes - happening one after the next - and not leaving much time for crafting or blogging.

So, I guess it's been a good six weeks or more since we last spoke...

You would think that I would have accomplished so much craft in that time - but it's not the case. I've barely picked up my yarn at all.

Something which I have been working on, is cross stitch embroidery. Now, I have to confess that I have been working with NEW MATERIALS!!! I was given some birthday money a little while back, and I decided to purchase some embroidery kits.

I'm really loving this one: it's called ALL YOUR FRIENDS, and has been designed by DIANE ARTHURS... click here to see what the finished piece will look like.

And here is my progress so far:


Actually... I've just realised that I did do the TINIEST bit of recycling for this project! I recycled an old birthay card to use as my thread card. Just punched holes in it, sorted my threads into each hole, and then scribbled the symbol used in the graph chart for each colour.

So I wasn't completely evil!!!

threads sorted


  1. My goodness, so glad to hear from you! I was going to pm you in ravelry if we didn't hear from you soon. I just thought you maybe went on vacation or were busy with your children. Good to see you trying something new. Not to say you can't find lots of alternative materials to embroider with. I certainly find many hanks of crewel wool and embroidery floss in thrift stores.

  2. I know the feeling, when you have other things going on in your life there is just not enough time in your life to do it all. I have just started blogging again since finishing work. I have misses you though.

  3. Your cross stitch is coming out great. It's a beautiful picture! I love your idea of the birthday card. Nice to see you back.

  4. I couldn't believe my eyes this morning when I saw you have a new post! It's good to have you back :))) and in a good mood for crafting :) It's just the choice of craft that's puzzling me - I'd never think embroidery would be quite your thing as it is so slow and you strike me as someone who likes quick projects with immediate results :) I like cross stitch very much and the project you chose is really beautiful. Are you going to frame it and hang it on the wall or use it in a different way, perhaps as part of another project?

  5. Hello, glad to see your post this morning :)

    The embroidery picture looks good - it'll be lovely when it's finished.

  6. Just opened your page again in the hope of seeing your next posting with the idea of leaving a comment about you disappearing into a parallel crafting dimension when lo and behold you are back! hello!

  7. A big welcome back from Sweden!!!
    Great to see some cross stitch. That might make me go and get that big Christmas UFO....I started on it , well...8 years ago!

  8. glad to see you back. have been thinking of you off and on hoping you are okay. hope the big life changes aren't that traumatic.

  9. Welcome back! I haven't done actual cross stitch in years, but I got out the floss recently to crochet embellishments for cards. It does feel good to be using something that has just sat in the closet for so long.

  10. You are back! Wonderful to see you around. Enjoy your new embroidery hobby!

  11. So happy to see that you're back! I cross-stitched for a long time, but I've been mostly crocheting for the last several years.

  12. I'm so glad to see you're back! I was debating whether or not to comment, but did complain on my blog (here: ) about your absence. You have been missed.
    And cross-stitch is such a pleasing craft, especially when one is stressed. Something about the simple geometry of it, the slow progress and the even stitches - it's really calming.

  13. Good to see a post from you and another page in a crafty life. Life happens. I want to add my appreciation to your posts. Little crafty missives to perk me up during the day. Thanks, Lillian

  14. good to see you back...enjoy your embroidery...we all have our weak moments:)

  15. Good to see you back. I realised it when I didn't get anything in email from your blog. Even I was away from my writing. Sometime it just happens. But don't go away for such a long time again.

  16. Glad to see you back! I took an unanticipated blog hiatus this summer myself...but I missed your posts!

  17. Oh, so good to know that you are alive and well. I hope the events that kept you from crafting and blogging were the good kind. Seeing the picture of the birthday card/thread holder before I read what you had written about it I thought that some wonderful friend had sent it to you that way. But wouldn't that be a great idea to send a little homemade cross-stitch kit tucked in a card?

  18. I have been following (hoping) to see you come back. Had almost given up checking. I am glad you are blogging again. You have nifty and fun ideas.

  19. You're baaaaaackkkk! I kept checking, was concerned, but hoped it was just as you posted....time getting away from you. Looking forward to new posts with kewl creative projects.

    Many yrs ago I went thru a cross stitch phase. Soooo much fun.

  20. So happy to see you return to blogland! :) The thread card is a great idea. I might have to borrow that idea when I cross stitch again.
