Friday, April 16, 2010

not for chewing...

pins - old

I have a bad habit of holding pins in my mouth when I am working with them.

It's not like I don't have a pin cushion... it's just so much easier to pop them between my lips.

Which is all well and good until the pearly coating starts to come away from the plastic head. Yeuwck!!!

The other thing which I do to mistreat these pins, is to iron over them when I am blocking my work - they don't like that kind of heat at all.

So, since I know that I won't be changing any of those habits in the near future... I decided to invest in some glass headed pins...

I'm loving these babies:

(and yes... I realise how sad it is that I've just dedicated an entire blog post to pins... even if I am delighted with them)

pins - new


  1. As a dressmaker I know exactly what you are talking about!! I could recall all of those habits that you are referring to when sewing! The glass pins is a brilliant idea.

  2. Yes, I accidentally pressed 'enter'!

    They ARE beautiful! I didn't know glass-headed pins even existed! (Although, I like the translucency of the poor, abused plastic ones in the first photo)

  3. I don't think is sad you used a post just to talk about pins! It is your blog, it is something that happened in your life and you felt the need of sharing that with others...
    I think that that is the main idea of a blog... and anyway, I liked reading about your pins!!
    Now I want some!!


  4. Just don't iron over the glass pins and pop them in your mouth! Ouch! :)

  5. My mother used to say, through a mouthful of pins, "Do NOT put your pins in your mouth! It's dangerous. Do as I say, not as I do."

    One guess where my pins most often reside...

  6. marie - glad I'm not the only one with these dreadful habits!

  7. misha - you are just as impatient as I am... lol!

  8. kimberly - ouchie!!! good point! must remember that tip... I'll let you know if I learn the HARD way...

  9. shanti - thanks :) I was hoping that someone out there would love them as much as I do!

  10. aimee - clearly it's all your mother's fault then :) isn't it always???

    do as I say, not as I do.... always seemed a ridiculous statement to me

    except, now that I am a mother, I think that it makes perfect sense!!!

  11. I actually love posts about little everyday things . . . it makes me look at them in a new light. Ever think about buttons for a post? I love my button collection!

  12. deb - I love buttons :) definitely post-worthy

  13. NICE! I'm guilty of those habits too, as well as holding nails/screws and pens in my mouth.

  14. I'll have to find some of those....I think I'd like the sound of them clicking on my teeth. Thanks for sharing!
    : )

  15. rosie ross - yep! me too... and of course, crochet hooks also!
