Thursday, October 16, 2008

oh - what a tangled web we weave...

before 1

These pieces of jewellery refuse to behave themselves! The 'fishing line' tangles far too easily, and the frustration factor is sky high. They are especially cheap pieces which my sister picked up while living in Shanghaii. I really don't think they were made to last!

But I know how to solve the problem... with a pair of scissors!

after 1

Ahhh.... that's much better. All that stress has been relieved, and I have made a nice addition to my recycled bead stash!

Now I just need to find myself some recycled wire, and I can get started on some wire beaded crochet. Or is it beaded wire crochet? I might not know what it's called.... but I'm keen to give it a go!


  1. ooo ooo oo I so look forward to seeing your crochet beaded creation! Call it anything it's all the same ;-)
    Nice beads by the way.

  2. Purple, you may have to bite the bullet and get some real beading thread, it's stiffer than fishing line and mostly behaves it self. You may also be able to use a very fine crochet thread, or the wire you used for making your ring. I'd say the wire would work better, but it all depends on the size of the joles in your beads too.

  3. jacqui - thanks for the tips at our crochet meet yesterday... I'm feeling bold enough to tackle this bracelet project myself now :)

    cat - I've actually edited my original post a little, as I just realised it was a bit confusing... the pieces were actually bought... so it probably wasn't really fishing line, but it might as well have been!!!

  4. Ooh, those beads look like they'd be perfect on the new purple scarf...

  5. I really want to try the whole crochet with wire thing too. I feel like I need to do more research, though.

  6. aimee - yes! I think some of them might do the trick

    oh2122 - I've decided just to jump in and experiment :) perhaps you should do the same (or just sit tight, and learn from my mistakes)

  7. Looking forward to the end result of your beaded wire creations.

  8. crafty gardener - I'm looking forward to the process, too... it's always fun to try something different for a change :)
