Friday, October 17, 2008

starting out - make it pink challenge

Since we are well into the month of October, I thought I better hurry up and get started on the CraftStylish Make It Pink Challenge. Mind you, I still hadn't had any further thoughts about what I should make.

So I went back to read over the challenge information. I discovered that if you submit a pink prayer shawl for the challenge, then they will make a much more substantial donation for breast cancer research. So I figured - why not? It's not like I had any better plans anyway.

Hmmm... now I need 12.75mm needles and some super bulky yarn...

As you know by now, I'm a bit of a WHATEVER girl! If I don't have what I need, I'll make use of WHATEVER I do have instead.

Which means I will be using 10mm needles and four strands of yarn worked together. Of course the yarn will need to be pink.

balls used

So here we have my selections...


Firstly a pink/white 100% wool, recycled from this jumper:

original garment - pink ladies rib fitted knit

Next a purpley-pink mystery yarn... certainly feels like 100% wool, recycled from this cape:

original garment - pink ladies wool cape

Then a bright pink novelty ribbon yarn... recycled from this top:

original garment - pink ladies ribbon knit

The final yarn feels like an acrylic, although I haven't actually tested it. It came to me from a friend who was 'spring cleaning' and knows I love to salvage unloved yarns.

Check back tomorrow to see how the prayer shawl turns out...


  1. This is a beginner question, but how do you unwind your old sweaters to make yarn?


  2. Thanks for posting the link to the craftstylish challenge. I hadn't seen it before. I've been endlessly knitting pink scarves to hand out to the breast cancer patients at the oncology clinic where I work. At this point a pink prayer shawl sounds like a nice change of pace!

  3. Yay! Another Make It Pink participant!

    I love this idea, and I've also wondered where everyone gets their yarn to upcycle from.

  4. I like the choice of yarns. Can't wait to see how it works up.

  5. I saw the shawl at Make it pink challenge page :) and let me break the suspense a bit for those who haven't - it is gorgeous! I don't really like pink very much but when used with taste, it can really look great.

  6. Is the craftystylish comp open to Aussies? I may have read it wrong. Cat.
    Oooh lovely pinks too.

  7. Oops, disregard what I said before. I know some of their contests wont take entrants from out side of the USA or Canada.
    I'll just stick my nose some where else. LOL.

  8. meryl - it's simply a matter of unpicking the seams and then unraveling the pieces... time consuming and messy, but very rewarding... I plan to add a post to my blog next week with some more detailed information... so check back again soon :)

    craftykate - you're welcome... hope to see you make a submission to the challenge

    oh2122 - keep watching, and I'll pass on lots of information about reclaiming yarn

    jacqui - thank you :)

    misha - you've been peeking!!! thank you for the beautiful feedback

    cat - you and your nose are always welcome here... you know that! lol!

  9. I can't wait to see how it comes out too - 4 yarns! Cool.
    I was inspired to finally try recycling an old sweater into yarn. It didn't take too long in the end, but I kept getting tangled up. Won't make the same mistakes again, lol. (I hope!)

  10. sam - woo hoo! so pleased to hear you gave recycling yarn a bash!!! it is a learning process, I'm still learning now... but find it totally addictive, too :)
