Monday, July 27, 2009

how's it looking?

As you already know, I'm working on a block-a-month project with a group over at Ravelry. The idea is that you make one 12" square each month, and at the end of the year you join them all together to make an afghan.

Since I'm after a larger afghan, I have been making two squares each month.

Well, we're half way through the year already... so here are the first twelve squares.

jan thru june progress


  1. Can you tell me where you found the pattern for the square on the bottom right please? It's lovely, they all are.

  2. sure... the bottom right is called Waldo's Puzzle by Chris Simon, click here for the free online pattern

  3. Wow....just wow! Not sure which I like better, but grouped together they are simply stunning. The FO will be amazing.

  4. The squares are lovely. I'm rather partial to the blue and burgandy colours. The afghan will be gorgeous when completed.

  5. They look great! The colour combo is fabulous!

  6. I was actually wondering how was this comming out....and it's lovely lovely!! n_n

  7. thanks everyone...

    I was loving the individual squares... but I was a bit worried that it would be TOO MUCH once they were all sitting side by side... so I was pleasantly surprised to see that they work really well together...

    I'm thinking that the finished rug will look fabulous on my bed
