Sunday, July 26, 2009

another haekelbeutel...

Okay... so I haven't actually finished making my first haekelbeutel yet... but I'm working on another one!

This time, it is part of a challenge with the Oddballs Group on Ravelry. I'm really looking forward to seeing what the others come up with... there's certainly some fascinating creations which come from that group.

As for mine, this time I'm just working it in regular granny squares... which I will join as a haekelbeutel. This one will be much smaller than my first one, which you may recall I had to felt when it turned out ginormous. Click here to stroll down memory lane.

Instead of yarn, this time I'm using plastic garden twine... and I'm planning to also incorporate some audio cassette tape!

Here's my progress so far...

starting out


  1. Looks and sounds good so far. I'll have to look out for coloured garden twine.

    I have a few cassettes which I can't part with yet, but when they die, I'm going to give them new life in crochet too :-)

  2. thanks girls... the cassete tapes are working up a treat... photos coming soon!
