Saturday, July 25, 2009

rabbit stew

A little while back, there was a 'Kitchen Challenge' held in the Crochet Lovers Victoria Group on Ravelry. The idea was to make something you would use in your kitchen. Rather than following a pattern, the aim was use your creativity and to crochet something new.

So... this was my entry... aptly titled RABBIT STEW...


My rabbit stew hangs from the corner of a blackboard on my kitchen wall, and has attracted many comments from visitors to our home. Some love it, others hate it... but I think it's quirky and fun.


As for the winner of the competition? Actually, there were two winners... Daphne with her Granny Square Fridge Cosy and Tess with her Toasty Warm Tea Cosy (a tea cosy, which looks like a toaster... complete with TOAST) What a fabulously creative group we have. If you're a member at Ravelry, you can click here to see photos of the fridge cosy, and here for the tea cosy. Leave a comment on the project page there, and let the girls know what you think of their creations.



  1. What an inventive bunch you are! I bow down in awe. Love all three ideas :-)

  2. I really love your creation, rabbit is actually quite delicious.......

  3. I think this is brilliant, you are so clever.

  4. It is quirky and I actually quite like it although it does remind you that meat comes from live animals, which is something not everybody is comfortable with.

  5. I love it. Will you be making a pattern? That bunny is so cute.

  6. Neat! Now advise please - I clicked on the winning tea cosy, got taken to a site that said I had to sign in to Ravelry, which I did, and then got taken to a general page with no direction to tea cosy........???

  7. thanks everyone...

    I may make a pattern at some stage... I took some pattern notes as I worked, but I'm not entirely sure what I've done with them!

    Karen, if you log in over at ravelry, and then click on the link in my post... it will take you to the projects

  8. Thank you Sharon! Now I know.... thing is - I hope I REMEMBER how to do it. Chuckle.

  9. I adore this so much! Super cute idea, and I would love to have one hanging in my kitchen!

  10. thanks... I didn't come up with the original idea... I was inspired by a pattern which I saw for a fabric rabbit stew... but it was fun to work up in crochet

  11. I love this! I can't wait for you to put a pattern up so that I can make one for mine, and my friends kitchens.

  12. i definitely lovelovelove it! gnihihi ;O)
