Sunday, December 12, 2010

my latest project

my latest project

I've been in hibernation for a long, long time now... haven't I???

Truth is, I've hardly felt HUMAN over the last few months.

I've been so utterly exhausted, that there's been NO TIME or INTEREST for craft of any kind, let alone blogging about it.

As you can guess from the photo, I've been busy working on my latest project...

growing another BABY GOLDFISH!!!

It's been a lot of years since I last did this... and I don't remember it being quite this much of a challenge last time! Then again, maybe we're programmed to forget about the nightmare parts of pregnancy and childbirth... otherwise no one would ever do it more than once!!!

So, here I am...

At the end of the first trimester...

Finally experiencing little bursts of energy...

And becoming inspired to get back into my craft!


  1. Congratulations!
    While reading your blog post I felt some indescribable similarity between us, 'couse yesterday, I presented my newborn baby boy to a internet community as "my latest finished project" :-)

    Good luck, and very best wishes from far, far away!

  2. Congratulations!!!! Yaaaaaaay, I'm so happy for you! :))))

  3. OMG!!!! Congratulations to you and the whole family!!!! You do make 'em awful cute!!!

  4. Sharon what a surprise!!

    Congratulations to all in the Goldfish Bowl, I'm gonna be an Aunty, I'm gonna be an Aunty. I'd better be an Aunty!!

  5. Congratz!
    After almost 5 years I still remember my pregnancy and still don't wanna do it again. It looks like I'm not programmed like you! But I'm verry happy for you and wish you all the luck!

  6. Congratulations Sharon! Great news and happy to see you finding your pep again.

  7. Congratulations. Very happy for you and the whole purple goldfish bowl!

  8. congratulations! happy baking. :)

  9. Oohhhh, how wonderful! And what a lucky little fishie he or she will be! All the best!

  10. How wonderful! And a lucky summer baby. That will always make for fun birthday parties. Congratulations!

    (I guess this means we get to look forward to more baby creations soon?)

  11. Heartfelt congrats to you and the rest of the shoal, I'm really pleased for you... and glad that you're getting a little bit more energy :)

  12. I was wondering what happened to you! Congratulatlions! I've missed your inspiring posts and look forward to more in the future.

  13. Congratulations!!! A lot of heath for you!

  14. WOO HOO! Another crafter in the making. Congratulations. I hope the rest of the pregnancy goes a bit more smoothly.

  15. YAY! Congratulations!!! I'm so happy for you!!

  16. I get to be an AUnty again, or maybe an uncle??

    Another yarny crafty kid anyway

    Woo HOO well done mr and mrs Purple!!!

  17. Oh Wow - that's a surprise! Congratulations!

  18. Hi Sharon, welllllll, that's certainly taken the focus of the identity of Secret Santa in the CLV group!! We will be aunties yet again - what fantastic news.

    So I take it you won't be eating chocolates and cakes at furture Carlton meet-ups? Hope your pregnancy is a really enjoyable one. Hugs from Woolly xx

  19. Oohh! Congratulations! What a very special creation you're making :-)

  20. Congratulations that is wonderful news!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  21. WOW !!!!!!!!!!!!! You have REALLY surprised me !! Congratulations !!!

  22. Wow, congrats! Have missed your blogging, but you've had a busy project happening, so we understand!

  23. Oh My Gosh CONGRATULATIONS!!!! :)

  24. Congrats!!! I had wondered where you wondered off to. What wonderful news.

  25. Congratulations!

  26. Congratulations!!!
    I follow your blog for a while and was wondering what happened. I'm a knitter, and when I was pregnant, (baby born in August) I didn't feel like knitting at all! I couldn't even wear my knitted clothes. It came back in the summer. I started knitting in cotton, less fluffy than wool... and now I'm completely on track again!
    Hope you do enjoy your pregnancy!

  27. congratulations! hope the 2nd trimester brings blissful feelings!

  28. Just thought I'd pop in and say I hope everything is going well for you and you're family.
