Monday, December 13, 2010

a surprise delivery

During the week, I had an unexpected package arrive in the mail...

secret santa stitch markers 2010

There were no identifying marks on the package, so I didn't have a clue who it came from.

All I could figure was that it was someone who knows my real name and address... and who lives in Australia.

Which lead me to Crochet Lovers Victoria...

But when I went to post in the forums there, I discovered that I was not the only one who received a secret package this week!

So many other members were posting about their surprises too... and NONE of us know where they came from.

So I need to say a very BIG THANK YOU to my secret santa (whoever you might be)

I love the washer and the sparkly thread, and those stitch markers are going to come in very handy. Your stitch work is exquisitely tidy!

But most of all, I love the thought you have given... investing time and effort making these surprises and sharing them with us...

It's also been fabulous fun to watch everyone play detective, and try to discover your identity

Thanks again for the wonderful Christmas surprise!!

secret santa surprise 2010


  1. Pretty! And so lovely to receive suprise parcels in the mail :-)

  2. How nice of that person!!! Long live secret Santas!

  3. HI Mama Goldfish! My comment isn't particularly about the lovely gift you got (what a wonderful surprise, though). I figured this was the best place to let you know that I have recently discovered your blog and tutorials and I'm hooked. Literally. My first crochet rag bag is growing by the day. No unloved item of clothing in our house is safe anymore. They are gradually turning, one by one, into balls of rag strips. So, thank you for sharing your passion and knowledge with us!
