I have a confession to make...
one of the things that really, really, REALLY scares me...
is the size of my underpants!
I'm sorry if that's too much information for my more delicate readers out there... but it's true. Each year they've become a litte bigger... and a little bigger again... until they started to frighten me...
So I decided to face my fear of the ever-increasing undies, and do something about it.
My main problem is inactivity, and I don't think that I'm the only crafter out there who struggles with this problem. Quite frankly, I would much rather sit on my butt all afternoon and crochet, than go for a walk. Or if I was bored with crochet, I could always switch to knitting... or embroidery... or just surf the web for lots of creative ideas. It's not like I don't get any fresh air - if it's a nice day, I'll take my yarn outdoors to play.
Crafting is a very sedentary activity - and I do like to indulge in it whenever possible!
I certainly don't plan to give up on my craft. That would be insane... and far too painful. But I do need to balance it with some more demanding physical activity.
So I joined a gym!
Which I thought would be really scary, but wasn't...
The first one I checked out was perfect. Friendly and helpful staff. Clean, modern facilities. Fun atmosphere. Sensible, manageable workouts. Ongoing assessments and support.
And it is purple.
I know that seems like such a small thing compared to all those other points, but I decided to take it as a SIGN! The purple was perfect. It made me feel comfortable and at ease with the whole decision.
So today was my first workout. I overcame my reluctance to exercise in public, and I received a gold star on my name card! I love stars...
I'm so proud of myself for facing a fear, and dealing with it.