Well... I took all my bits and bobs of leftover yarns which have been accumulating. I then cut them into assorted lengths (no greater than six metres) then mixed them all up and knotted them together randomly. No fancy knotting technique, just leaving a tail of about an inch or so. Regardless of fibre type and thickness. There's cottons, acrylics, wools, novelty yarn, and every possible blend in between. All mixed in together.
I was astounded when I ended up with 18 balls of 'crazy yarn'

What would I make with all this yarn?
You don't get any prizes for guessing that I started on an easy peasy crochet bag!

Using three strands held together.

I ended up working this bag 20 rounds tall. I didn't worry too much about all those knots, just kept them to the inside of the bag as much as possible. Any that 'escaped' were just woven back to the inside before I added the lining.

I didn't have a thread colour which was remotely suitable for sewing on the lining. So that left me with a number of choices. Option One - go shopping for the perfect match? NO WAY... that's not what I'm all about! Option Two - Use a completely contrasting colour and make a feature of the stitching? A definite possibility, but then I thought of a third option... Option Three - raid Mr Goldfish's garage, and 'borrow' some fishing line? YES, YES, YES... strong, invisible, perfect!
look closely... you can only JUST see a hint of where those stitches are! YAY for fishing line! I'm keeping the reel with my craft supplies now. I craft way more often than Mr Goldfish goes fishing...

here's the finished bag...

you won't be at all surprised to see that I have embellished with a felted heart...

I really like the way you knotted that button on to the heart and left the ends out.
You are one hard-working lady. Everytime I come in here, there is a new entry with a totally beautiful bag!
You are an inspiration.
tess - thanks :) it's taken me a ridiculously long time to learn to do that... I always loved the look when I saw anyone else leave the ends out like that... but I could never bring myself to do it... lol... it always seemed so UNTIDY!
jini - so pleased you are finding inspiration here... thank you
Crazy bag, I love it, fishing line, great idea, embellishment, very clever!
Good Lord! ANOTHER gorgeous bag! Do you EVER sleep? :)
OK, so I want to make EVERYTHING that you show here. I love the idea of the yarn balls. I've done it with cotton for dishcloths and just let the knots pop out. They're great for scrubbing! :)
Thanks for another great show and tell! You rock!
cat - the fishing line really works a treat... you must try it!
leslie - lol... would you believe I sometimes fall asleep with hook in hand??? and I love your idea of leaving knots in the cotton dihcloths... it certainly would add a little extra oomph to them... I'm a fairly recent convert to crochet/knitted dishcloths, so I appreciate the tip :)
Ya did it again!! I had to look how to do make a center pull ball on your site. Love it ... I'm sooo doing this. Fishing line??? Awesome.. Yes the button catches your eye. So cool. Thanks again for inspiration.
sherrymurray - thanks for stopping by... happy to have inspired you!
Eighteen balls! What a labour of love. They must look just gorgeous wherever you have them 'on display' - however many are left after the newest easy peasy bag.
I think the bag is lovely and you have inspired me to look into my own left over bits bin. So much so I blogged with a link through to your post. Thank you for the inspiration.
I have some line similar to fishing line ( I don't have to poke around in the garage LOL) that is used for jewelry making, I mat try that and let you know how I go.
You have so much patience to make those magic balls !! Much more than I do, but the results are well worth it.
This reminds me that I made a bag out of 2 or 3 strands of knoted together yarn in the 70's - long before yarn recycling was invented. I wonder where that bad is - I always liked it alot. I am going to have to go dig around and see if I can find it and maybe even post it to my Ravelry projects page. Thanks for reminding me and thanks for all the great ideas and motivations you have provided me - keep up the great work!!
karen - it is a labour of love... but I just love handling yarn, doesn't matter if I am un-ravelling or creating, or just balling... it's all good to me!
rabbit9 - thanks for linking me... have fun with your own crazy yarn :)
cat - I didn't realise you were into jewellery making... definitely let me know how it goes
stramenda - patience is a virtue.. lol!
mysknitteri - I would love to see that bag... I might have to start stalking you on ravelry... if you think to, could you let me know if you find it and post pics? much appreciated
what an awesome idea - now I need to get myself a bunch of leftovers in my colours for an awesome tote bag like yours!
I am definitely in love with this bag and I normally do NOT like crocheted purses! Great job. The crazy yarn or magic balls as some call them, can also be used to make great lapghans/afghans. I recently made one for charity and you can see it here http://homeofalonelywoman.blogspot.com/2009/03/lapghan-for-charity-finished.html
Thanks for the purse idea!
I can only dream to be half as creative as you are, it is really wonderful of you to share your ideas and creations with us not-so-imaginative crocheters to copy!
I just LOVE this bag, making these balls is going to be great bonding time with the kids, hahahaha!!!
I am a HUGE fan of all of your project and I made a few balls of crazy yarn! I love them!
thanks everyone!!!
love your blog, i really like everything you make and create
I love this bag and the Heart Embellish was a perfect Finishing Touch!! You have a wonderful imagination!!
I went on Ravelry to look for a scrap-look project that used knotted ends and voila! Here was your post. I absolutely LOVE the look of the scrappy scarf and your idea of tying the random lengths of yarn together!! Thanks so much for posting!!
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