Many of you loved the original scrap happy scarf - except for the minor detail of it involving crochet! Well, this is my knitted version.
I've decided that when using a multitude of colours like this, it it best to keep the pattern as simple as possible. And what could be more simple for knitters than garter stitch?

These scarves are worked sideways. I'm an old fashioned kind of girl, and prefer to use straight needles, but there are a lot of stitches here, so to accommodate them all you might want to work the scarf flat using those 'new fangled' circulars.
The yarn being used here is crazy yarn. Click here to see what that is all about.
At the end of each row I have left a tail, and joined on a new colour. If you use a firm knot to join in the new yarns, then those tails can just become the tassel of the scarf. Yes... I know you've always been taught not to join with knots... blah, blah, blah... forget about all that... this is LOW STRESS knitting!
I've experimented with a number of different needle sizes, and these are the results:

^^ scarf #1 - my absolute favourite! ^^
worked on 4.0mm needles
cast on 250 stitches and then worked about 35 rows in garter stitch
(this gave me an approximate length of 180cm and a width of 9cm)

^^ scarf #2 ^^
worked on 8.0mm needles
cast on 200 stitches and then worked about 20 rows in garter stitch
(this gave me an approximate length of 200cm and a width of 9cm)

^^ scarf #3 ^^
worked on 15.0mm needles
cast on 125 stitches and then worked about 12 rows in garter stitch
(this gave me an approximate length of 200cm and a width of 9cm)
I love this scarf - I am a garter stitch fan also - your curly crochet scarf if neat also. I have so much fun looking at your projects and wonder how you do it all with little ones!
I love these scaves, especially scarf #1, it reminds me of multi colored oval rugs my family used to have in the kitchen when I was young. I am a beginner when it comes to knitting, but these look like something I'll definitely give a try at some point!
Beautiful! Scarf #1 is my favorite too!
Oh so ~lovely~ to 'find' your bloggy today X:-) So full of fabulous ideas X:-) ThankYOU for making my day X:-)
vicki xox
well done. Nice blog. Keep it up
I just happened onto your blog. Very creative.
OMG that a gorgeous scarf. Like all the colors and some nice knitting too! I've always wanted to knit especially when I see people doing it on the bus...maybe I'll start doing it!
If you have time and are a Lakers and NBA fan, check out my blog at
*i love scarf #1. can i buy?? seriously.*
I'm not sure how I found your blog but I'm glad I did, this is a wonderful way to use up my stash and the resulting scarf is wonderful, thank you so much.
I will definately be back!!!!
Love the scarves and I think I could practice my knitting on these.
Stupid question : you're using crazy yarn, but you have each row a different colour.
When you made your yarn, did you restrict it to colour ranges, so each ball is a different colour
I can't help it - I was born this way, lol.
thanks to everyone for the wonderful feedback... you've made me feel so appreciated :)
annemarie - I squeeze as much craft as possible into every day... I don't like to sit without a project in my hands! I also get bored really easily, so I try to work on items which don't take too long to finish up
jessie - there's something about those random scrappy stripes which is very nostalgic, isn't there?
sam - most of those rows do have colour changes in them, but they seem not to be so obvious in the knitted version - at the end of each row I have left a tail and then cut the yarn... unwound the crazy yarn until I got to the next colour, and started the next row with a new colour... all the leftovers just got made into another ball of crazy yarn - did that make more sense? lol... if not, let me know :)
Ah! I get it. I always get bogged down in the details.
I love the idea that at the end of your scrappy scarf, you have a whole new crazy ball to work with!
I like it so much, your blog and scarfs too.
I'm glad your blog is on the Blogs of Note list. X3 I love knitting but can never decide on what exactly to make. And I love those crazy yarn and keep buying them. I really should try making this one. XD
Keep up the great blog and I'll be back again. ^^
Wow, I have been wanting to knit a new scarf, so this is perfect. I really don't know how many scraps of yarn I have in my house. But I'm sure that I can find something. I just found your blog through blogs of note. It was a real treat because I love finding knitters blogs.
I love no3. I also like knitting scarves ( It's the only thing I can ;-))
i love scarf #1. can i buy?? seriously.
This is a very impressive blog.
Have you ever visited ?
She's a very crafty Scot who loves recycling.
Good for you. I am impressed with your talents and attitude about saving the environment.
Spotted your blog for a second time and thought I'd give it another look. I know absolutely nothing about your craft but I definitely appreciate the work that goes into it. Even your photography is well done.
thanks to everyone for the beautiful feedback...
sam - yes... another ball... the cycle continues!
vidozi - this scarf is not for sale, but my etsy store will be opening soon
a paperback writer - thanks for the link... I popped over for a sticky beak, and have subscribed to I can follow her musings... much appreciated
I love them all.
Beautiful job...
I Love your scarf! I am crocheter I wish I could knit:) I just can't get the hang of it.
I love the idea of wrapping together odd yarns. I usually use all my yarn for most projects but not anymore I will try to save some to roll up.
this is great
I may actually be able to make this one. Thank for the tips.
well done. nice blog
renee - all those odds and ends really do come together to make something beautiful, don't they?
lisa - sure you can... just take your time :)
Just came accross your blog today, Fantastic work. Your scarves are beautiful and you explain it so well. Very talented and you have inspired me.
bash gifts - thanks for stopping by... hope to see you around again :)
Those are lovely. :) Great job :D
This is beautiful! I want to try to make one with 4mm needles. I only have sock wool, but will probably be getting some DK soon. Will I struggle with fine wool and will I be able to mix the two sizes? I am a beginner.
Once my Christmas crafting is done I'm making a scarf like this for me!!
I'm enjoying your site - you have wonderful information here!
This scarf proved to be a fascinating project, not used to working scarves sideways at all! It looks very posh now that the 'scrap-happy' look has come into fashion in Ireland :)
I just started a crazy scarf. Never worked with circular needles....hmmm . Once I got to the third row .not bad. Love love love this pattern!!!! Thanks for sharing sad giving me something crazy to learn!!!! ♡♥♡ blessings, too!!!!
Not sad ~ Glad you share all your patterns sad projects. Just bought some different size needles. I can't wait to try them. ! The scraps I had were all bright 60's yarn (donated).Went to craft store to buy yarn on sale. Came home with humbled up yarn a big bag for 15 dollars. SOME OF IT IS oops Ravelery Hope it will work...SUGGESTIONS??????? PLEASE???? THANKS!!!!!
how do you get 208 stitches on a set of needles?? I can't get anywhere near this many! How long are your needles?
Whenever possible, I like to use 35cm needles... but yes, it gets squishy with all of those stitches on the one needle!
Thanks so much! I'm trying with circular and they say 26 inches, but I'm having trouble still. I'll try with a little thinner thread for the first row and see if that helps!
Hi- that scrappy scarf is adorable---Do you have a crocheted version? I'd love to make one--I have a lot of scrap yarn to use and this would be the perfect scarf to help use them up--Thanks
Marlene, I believe her original scrap happy scarf WAS a crocheted one. Here's the link to it:
HI. i would love to share this pattern with some vision impaired knitters i know. This sounds like an awesome pattern, where we don't have to worry so much about colours etc. I have just bought a fun pack of yarn with small skeins of many colours which i think might work for this project.
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