So here's the sad truth...
I don't know exactly what the cause is - but I'm really at the end of what I can tolerate from them.
I think it's probably a number of factors at play.
For one... they haven't been able to 'go wild' outside much lately... the weather has keep them indoors, and I think that 'cabin fever' has started to set in.
Plus, with me working now, their routine has had to change a bit too... which doesn't always please them.
And they don't get as much time with me... so when we ARE together, they seem to have turned into NEEDY little monsters... each of them wanting my full attention, ALL of the time.
Which just makes me wish I was at work...
(loving work, by the way)
Anyway, the other day I managed to keep them entertained for hours with the simplest of activities.
Just a few recycled materials, and a roll of tin foil.
Bread tags... beer caps... plastic bottle tops...
Who would have thought...
They made their own currency... precious gold coins (beer caps) silver coins (plastic bottle tops cover in tin foil) and unusual little key cards (bread tags given the tin foil treatment)

The 'minting' process itself lasted ages, and then they went off to play shops... buying and trading services from on another.
I'm not going to pretend that everything was perfect... but it was delightful to see them working together...
They were industrious...and focussed... and they LEFT ME ALONE for a while...
(you'll have to ignore the serious case of bed hair that my boys have going on)