I'm excited to tell you all about the
neapolitan ice cream project... but that will have to wait until tomorrow. Because right now I want to tell you all about the wonderful day I had yesterday.
It was always going to be a fabulous day. Once a fortnight I meet up with some fellow crochet addicts. We get together at my place, and spend the day indulging in craft, chat and way too many calories (oops) We 'oooh' and 'ahhh' over one another's current projects, and share hints, tips and ideas. We met online through Ravelry, and are all at quite different places in our lives... but have this fabulous common ground... our love of all things fibre!
This week, I was very spoiled... take a peek at some of my goodies...

Daphne brought along this wonderful STUFF... I'm going to call it STUFF, because we don't exactly know what it is... but it seems to be some kind of carpet nylon. Definitely durable.
But why would you give someone six balls of carpet nylon???
Well... if you
click here I promise that it will all make sense...
Daphne knows that I am planning on making one of these for my kitchen. I mean, how could I not... that project is so
ME. Of course I have a plentiful supply of crazy yarn, but no nylon... well, until now that is.
And I received another gift from Daphne yesterday... she shared her KNOWLEDGE with me! I have been TRYING rather unsuccessfully to make
this square. Over and over and over again... I couldn't even get the heart in the centre to come out right. I had reached the point where I completely abandoned it, claiming that
I never liked that square anyway... but Daphne encouraged me to give it one more go, and talked me through the pattern. It turns out that the problem was not with the designer's pattern
writing skills... but my pattern
reading skills were at fault. Fancy that! But I'll fill you in on that another day...
Cristina brought me some goodies today, too. She has been sorting through her craft things, and clearing out what she no longer wants to keep.

I'll unravel this half hat and scarf, and reclaim the yarn for another project. Maybe a top for my daughter. I know the yarn looks hairy, and hairy yarns are usually a nightmare to unravel, but this one is kind of SLINKY as well (does that make any sense?) and comes apart nicely

This jumper has already been felted by Cristina. It's nice and thick, and will probably make a fabulous bag. Yes, I
will make a felted bag tutorial soon. I know I've been promising it for a while. Perhaps I will use this jumper for it? Good plan

Some coloured fleece... soon to become a felted bowl

Some ribbon yarn... destined to be a bag (no - I don't have enough bags yet)

And a box of old jewellery... I'm going to have so much fun with this!
But wait... there's more...
Look what arrived in the mail today:

and look what's inside

I'm very excited (can you tell)