I've been pondering for a couple of days now, and come to the conclusion that I really want to felt my haekelbeutal bag. Thank you so much to everyone who suggested I make a swatch and try felting that first, to get an idea of what the result is likely to be.
I'm a little shocked that I didn't think of that myself... it seems such a simple idea... but here's the thing... I DON'T SWATCH!
YES... I know that I should... but I don't...
I just start crafting, and if it doesn't turn out the way I'd like - I either unravel it, or transform it into something else... like my felted bowl, which morphed into a handbag... (click here if you want to take a look)
Don't panic... I have no plans of becoming a serial swatcher! I will always be a casual crafter. But in this particular case, I think it's worth while. So... time for a swatch.
Which brings me to a small problem:

See that teeny tiny bit of wool there... that's all I have leftover after making the bag... only 10 grams!
But I'll do what I can. I've made up a swatch and included some of the cream yarn which I had used to join the squares. It's not a full square, but I did get four of the five rounds done. Enough to give me an indication, anyway.

Now for the BIG test... will it felt? will it retain that gorgeous colour? will I like the result? I wonder...
Waiting.....with delightful anticipation....for the result......
I hope the test is successful - otherwise you'll just have to come up with another cunning plan. ;-)
You were lucky you had enough when you made the bag, if that's all you had left over. Thrifty!
Ok, this came at such a wrong time! I really am interested in what will come out of felting the bag and tomorrow I will not be anywhere near a computer (field day with the girls). I wish you luck! I really really hope the colors wont run because I love how they look together... wouldnt want to see them ON TOP OF EACH OTHER!!!! See ya Friday!
Hi all, spelling fanatic chirping in: Inga's wonderful creation is spelled thus: Haekelbeutel. :)
Ow goodie!!!
Can't wait!
Well, there's a concept.
(Notice it didn't occur to me, either. LOL)
thanks everyone...
and jacq - I don't mind being corrected on the spelling... means I can fix it up! thanks
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