There's something very wrong with me... and I'm not sure that it can be fixed.
Today I walked into an Op Shop...
You know... a Second-Hand Store, a Thrift Store, a Charity Store... whatever you like to call it...
It's a while since I've really been Op Shopping... and when I walked in today, I cause myself pausing in the doorway.... taking a BIG DEEP BREATHE in through my nose...
I wanted to savour the aroma... it seeemed so familiar, and comforting, and friendly
I was thinking to myself,
ahhh I love that smell...And then I suddenly realised that the SMELL which felt so wonderfully comforting to me, was a blend of mothballs and musty old upholstery.
I don't think that our Op Shops here smell as bad as some that I hear about... but really... one isn't supposed to ENJOY the smell of them!

So I shopped and shopped and shopped...
And then I shopped a little more.
Four Op Shops later, I was loaded up with goodies... and wondering where I was going to store all my new-found treasure!
I won't overload you with all my finds in this post, but I did come across this beautiful bracelet.
The elastic is starting to deteriorate in it, it's yellowed and becoming brittle... so I was thinking that I would re-string it...
But then when I took it apart, I decided that it would be much more fun to make earrings with the pieces.
So I'm off to play with my jewellery making tools...
I'll show you some more photos when I am done.
Oh... and looking at that last photo, I need to moisturise my hands, too!!!