For a while there, I was expecting to spend the last six weeks of my pregnancy in hospital. I had been told to make all necessary arrangements, and have myself packed and ready to go...
And do you know what the hardest part was?
Packing clothes and toiletries were easy...
Selecting reading material was easy...
Organising care for the three other children was easy...
The hardest part was choosing which craft projects to take with me!!!
The thing was... I was quite healthy - so I knew that I would be bored out of my brain if I didn't take my craft along with me...
But how much should I take???
I mean, I was going to have all day... every day... for six weeks... to craft to my heart's content. No washing. No cleaning. No cooking. No children!
I was so worried that I might run out if I didn't take enough along with me!
Anyway, I bundled up a number of projects and squeezed them into a bag. Then, feeling rather sorry for myself, I decided that I needed some more!
So I went shopping...
Real shopping...
For NEW yarn! (shock, horror)
I've been wanting to make this round ripple blanket for a while now. In fact, it has been in my Ravelry queue since 2008! At that point I was thinking I would make it for a gift, but now I had a need for one myself! I also had a number of gift vouchers to use up, so I took myself along to Lincraft to check out the baby yarn there...
I found the gorgeous range of Shepherd yarns, and chose the 4ply Baby Wool Merino in a number of bright colours. It felt so decadent to buy brand new yarn after so many years of recycling, but to be honest, I loved every minute of it!

So the pattern is
Lyn's Round Ripple Baby Afghan. I used the 4ply yarn with a 3.0mm hook, and it came up beautifully. As you can see, I started with a solid red centre, and then just randomly worked each round in a different colour. To finish off I worked several rounds in the red again, with a final round of hdc as suggested in the pattern.
The only down side to all those colour changes, is the end which need woven in. And I have a confession to make...
I still have some ends left!