Would you believe that this decoration took less than 5 minutes to make???
I promise you, it did!
You'll need an old doily, scissors, PVA glue and a piece of string for hanging:
So I started with this old doily which had a small tear in it. It could probably have been mended, but I wasn't going to use it anyway.

First you cut out your motif.
I felt positively evil doing this... it just felt SO WRONG to cut into a piece of crochet like that!
At any moment I expected my first grade teacher to appear, and revoke my Scissors License.

Next make up a 50:50 mix of PVA glue and water. You can get it all over the table like I did, but it's not really necessary.

Pop your motif into the mix

And swish it around with your fingers.
Yes - just dip your fingers right in there, I did... and now my camera is covered in glue spots!

Squeeze out the excess glue, and lay the motif on a flat surface... I used the lid from a plastic container.
Use your fingers to shape the motif neatly, then leave it to dry.

I was impatient, so I took the tray outside and left it in the sunshine so that it would dry more quickly. Probably not the best idea. It was a windy day, so I ended up with all sorts of unidentified flying objects stuck on my snowflakes.
I do like the way they kind of look like a tray of cookies... Or maybe I'm just hungry...

Once dry, you just need to tie a piece of string at the top, and the job is done:

Too easy.
That's so clever, I would never have thought of doing something like that! Thanks for the idea!
really lovely....once you get past the cutting the doily bit lol
coffeee/ Sue
Someone spent endless hours making that beautiful doily and you just cut it up. Horrible.
Horrible. what would you feel if someone cuts up your work
OMG!!! Do you have ANY kind of respect!!! You don't do this to someone's hard work!!! EVER.
Yes. Shame on me.
I took an old torn doily, and instead of tossing it in the trash - I turned it into something my family will use for years and years to come.
Personally, I'd be DELIGHTED if someone saved my work from the trash, and recreated it into something they would use.
it's a matter of perspective. some people would try to repair it to save it, some would just cut it up into pieces. post wouldve been great if you turned it into a blog about repairing a loved doily. Understand that crocheters would cringe at the mere sight of someone cutting up a work of art better to save it like mend it. and if youre not goin to use it, then give it to someone who would cherish it. my point of view. but hey its your blog
There are thousands of pieces of artwork in thrift stores around this country. Luckily many of these pieces are bought and repurposed and given a new life, just like these pretty doily snowflakes.
Chill out, people! Even if you don't agree, Anonymous #1, CrochetSheil, and Billie, you don't have to be so rude!
I think it's a fabulous idea and I want to do it myself. I agree with the previous 'anonymous' above. There are more things in this world that deserve the label "horrible" than cutting up a (possibly) mass-produced doily. It's called upcycling, and it's a GOOD thing.
This totally makes me want to go find old doilies at thrift stores now! Very cute idea!
This makes me sad. Crocheters everywhere cry.
So glad I ran across this post. I have just cleaned out an elderly relative's home and now have two huge bins full of lace items my great AND great-great grandmothers crocheted. My mother and aunts (who are in their 80s) said they didn't' want to keep them. So many of them are in bad shape, stained, torn, moth-eaten, etc. But even though they didn't want to save the items, they had so many stories of watching, and helping their grandmother & great grandmother crochet, I just didn't have the heart to put it all in the garbage. I am going to take the pieces which are in the poorest condition and make ornaments to share with the family. I know everyone will be thrilled to have a piece of our family history to hang on their tree this year! The art and hard work lives on, and I know it would make me so happy to think that someday my great-great granddaughter might cherish my handiwork enough to repurpose it into something that a new genertion would appreciate for years to come.
for those of us who make doilies... so hard to see that cut up. I'd prefer to make several new starters for one to work with.
Thanks for the idea. I have a tablecloth that belonged to my great-grandmother, but it is horribly torn. I think I will make some of these for my sister, her children and my children as a memento.
Horrible. Worse than cutting up a book to make a craft. Just think how you would feel if someone came across your Jodi doll many years from now and cut off her head for a project. Somebody took time out of their life to make that doily and was proud of it.
I agree!. Chill out. Love these snowflakes. And they now give pleasure and the crochet has still been saved if you think about it.
Totally agree. People need to chill out. At least she repurposed it. I would love it if something I made got messed up or so old and then repurosed to keep it around in another manner. Great job and love the idea...
People are sooooooo sensitive these days....I think they are lovely...good upcycle!
Like this idea. Going to add the snow flakes to my drift wood mobile Xmas tree. Thanks for a simple and clever idea.
Awesome. Thank you for this wonderful idea !!
Sometimes you can find doilies, runners at the dollar stores. Use them as well.
I am an old crocheter and I love any reuse of it! It's how I found this blog. I am taking old crochet doilies and edged table covers, cleaning and repairing what I want and can, tie dying them with tea and coffee. Now I see how I'll use what remains - motifs to add in. To bring it up to date, I will join the pieces with black free form crochet lace, maybe some embroidery (blackwork). It is for a wedding gift.
Thanks for the tips.I know some people take themselves REAL serious - I imagine !uch and many around them suffer for and through it.
As i came across this idea I immediately thought of all the precious items I inherited from my Mom, her sisters and my Grandmother. My Mom lives with me so I asked her what she thought of the idea. Big tears rolled down her face and I started to apologized for bringing it up but she hugged me and said she thought that was a wonderful idea. She went right down and got them out of the cedar chest and said if we started now we could have them made in time for Christmas.
I asked her again if she thought her Mom or sisters would mind us destroying all their (and her) hours and years of hard work. She replied we aren't destroying anything' we're making NEW memories for our families, cousins, grand kids, great grand kids. They will have a piece of history, a reminder of their loved ones. With each creation we will attach a note and a picture of the original crocheted item and who made it. (to the best of my Mom's memory) So my Mom and I thank you for saving a lot of stored unused memories.
Omg people!!! Get a damn grip!! Agree to disagree and go on with your damn day!!!
You will never please everyone all the time and there are people who just love to rain err... Piss on everyone else's parade!!
I'm cutting into some old torn doilies as we speak mwahahaha
Art is only enhanced by adding your touches that make you enjoy it more! As an artist my only sadness would be if no joy came from my creations. If someone buys my painting and glues pictures to it and smiles every time they see what “we” created together I would be happy :)
My sweet Mom used to crochet such beautiful doilies (like). Dont take credit for cutting something beautiful up to make something stupid.
This is a wonderful idea! I'm going to make some today and attach them to wrapped gifts for the family! As for the people that don't care for cutting the doilies, your nastiness is far more "horrible" than cutting a piece of cloth. While this blog is creating happiness and memories your rotten comments are indicative of the negativity that you are spreading to your families and those around you. If you don't have anything nice to say...keep your rotten mouth shut!
What a great way to keep the original artist's work alive!
Es otra manera de ver las cosas. Se reutiliza un textil muy viejo e insalvable, desgastado y se rescata lo que se pueda. Mil gracias por enseñarnos la técnica. Me encantó
Some people lead such sad, miserable lives. The blogger here stated that the price was highly damaged, and I give her great credit for "saving" what she could.
I personally have suitcases FULL of vintage linens, and it would break my heart to cut into a piece that is in good condition, however there are sites all over the internet on repurposing items that are simply sitting in storage rather than being put to good use.
So I agree, the "haters" should just be quiet & enjoy your own pieces any way you wish to YOUR hearts content.
Love your humor!
I am a crochet/knitter myself as was my mother and her mother and so on. My sister/cousins didn’t want anything to do with all their crochet. I don’t have space for all that I have plus some I have made and have no one to leave them to. I think this is a great idea. Yes it’s sad and I know the hours and hours spent making each one but it’s better than throwing them away. Unless they’re stored properly they will eventually rot so while on one hand it’s kinda sad on the other hand it’s a beautiful way to honor all those lovely ladies. I bet they would feel the same way. I know I would.
Seriously!!!! What is your problem??? How incredibly ignorant to make such rude comments. Really enjoyed watching you give a new lease of life to these - well done
For those that don't know, I bought many of these exact type tablecloths, doilies, etc that are mass produced and sold at WALMART, probably made in China. This is such a great idea! I have so many of these that I don't use anymore and I appreciate new creative ideas for these. Thanks!
Good God! These people are vicious 😆I think it's a great way to repurpose an otherwise useless rag. Yes, I said useless. 😂 I have around 100 doilies I going to make a garland for my tree. This will help them keep their shape
Thank you! I have been looking for a way to repurpose my moms cherished doilies. They have been destroyed beyond repair but I couldn’t throw away the remnants…. Now I can make snowflake ornaments with the surviving pieces and have a little piece of her with me during the holidays! This is perfect!
My Mom used to actually crochet snowflakes and make ornaments out of them. Is is the difference? The doily had a little extra string, all she did was trim the string. It is a great idea to salvage the doily. Life is too short to be making someone feel bad over repurposing a doily. Get some perspective. I think they are spectacular!!!!!!
If a certain person or issue triggers your dissatisfaction, stay away from them or that topic until you've mastered better anger management techniques. This blogger is free to do what she wants with whatever brings her happiness and her happiness stems from being open minded and creative and not dull like those of you with your outbursts, lack of control and rude comments. Check yourselves.
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