You can make anything you like... as long as it is pink!
Any craft you fancy... knit, sew, quilt, embroider, crochet, bead... whatever...
And for every entry received, CraftStylish will make a donation to breast cancer research.
I've pulled out some of my 'pink things' looking for inspiration... but at this point I have no idea what I might create. Your guess is as good as mine.

i see a little crochet handbag with beads in it- something I wish I could do, obviously!
BTW have been slack and gotten sick, and no sewing/craft etc been done, but am starting your crachet holder this weekend, as I have to make 2 more pencil rolls, so should be able to do them all together. Fingers crossed, anyway!
Thanks for pointing me to the make it pink challenge. It's a good cause and it is "pink" month so I think I'll give it a go too. I'll have to put my thinking cap on. You have some great pink coloured yarn there.
Awesome, thanks for sharing. I have some Knitpicks bare waiting for the Kool-Aid...I'm thinking pink now...
Your pink stash is gorgeous. I'm jealous of your photographic skillz.
I see beaded crochet too. Not that I know how to do that or anything.
I just started my gallery tonight!
bec - no pressure for the hook case, honey... please just do it in your own time, and HAVE FUN with it!
jacqui - I should probably combine it with another project, and make that care bear my daughter has been nagging me for... a pink one, of course!!
aimee - thanks... I'm one of those people who takes a million photos, in the hopes that ONE will come out nicely, lol.... not quite sure how I coped before digital cameras were around!
oh2122 - I haven't tried beaded crochet before either... I'll certainly get there one day though... and I'll be keeping an eye out for your gallery, too
Thanks so much for this great post! I just uploaded a "pink project!" Can't wait to see what YOU come up with!
leslie - I left a comment on your craftzine post :) looks wonderful!
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