Yes... I know it was well before I was born... but I have had this song playing on repeat in my head for the past week or so...
To everything - turn, turn, turn
There is a season - turn, turn, turn
And a time for every purpose under heaven
A time to be born, a time to die
A time to plant, a time to reap
A time to kill, a time to heal
A time to laugh, a time to weep
To everything - la, la, la....
A time to build up, a time to break down
A time to dance, a time to mourn
A time to cast away stones
A time to gather stones together
To everything - la, la, la....
A time of war, a time of peace
A time of love, a time of hate
A time you may embrace
A time to refrain from embracing
To everything - la, la, la....
A time to gain, a time to lose
A time to rend, a time to sew
A time to love, a time to hate
A time of peace, I swear it's not too late!
Wondering what any of this has to do with craft???
Well, the last couple of weeks have NOT been my season for craft. I've made a few attempts here and there, but I don't seem to have the focus at the moment. Plus everything I work at just seems to be turning out so bleargh (yes - that's a technical term)
But I did find myself wanting to play with yarn. Just feeling it under my fingers takes me to my 'happy place'. I find it soothing and calming and relaxing.
So, since it was obviously not my time for making anything... I settled for some un-making instead. I reclaimed yarn from five whole garments, and a few odds and ends...
There's just on three kilograms of yarny goodness here... so that should keep me going for a while!

Am I going to regret reading this? That song is now going through my head!!! reminds me of Forrest Gump.
I love the yarn, espicially the lime green one, so pretty.
Ah, yes. Bleargh, from the Latin bleargus. Loosely translated, "Did the cat get ahold of that?" Commonly associated with blech and urgh.
I am facinated with upcycling yarn. I'm wondering if there is a threshold for what to use. Are you using garments that are unusable or unmendable in some way?
jacqui - perhaps we should sing a duet???
oh2122 - sometimes, but not necessarily! I'll give anything a go... but most are in reasonable condition, but outdated styles
Sure, a duet. can I mime? LOL trust me the real thing aint pretty. :-)
Nice work ! I love the winding too . . . it looks so neat !
stramenda - sometimes it almost seems a shame to use the yarn... it looks so pretty just as it is !
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