Want to meet my friend, Little Hootie???

The pattern for this little guy is published in the October 2010 issue of Crochet World magazine... which is currently on sale.
I'm always super excited to have a pattern published in a magazine... and this time is no different. Even more so, when I discovered that Lisa Gentry and Mary Beth Temple have patterns published in the same issue.
If you've been following my blog for a while now, then you will have heard me talk about
Lisa Gentry. She is a popular crochet designer, with incredibly well written patterns. In addition to that, she holds the world record for the fastest crocheter in the world! I've long admired Lisa's work - so it's pretty mind-blowing to appear in print alongside her!!!
Mary Beth Temple is not someone I've talked about here before. To date I haven't worked any of her patterns, or listened to her podcast -
getting loopy - although I keep meaning to... it's on my 'things to do one day' list.
Actually, I haven't EVER listened to any podcasts... do you??? Which is your favourite craft one? Give me somewhere to start exploring the pod-world...
Back to Mary Beth for a moment...
A little while back, I did an online course which she was teaching, on 'designing for print media'... and as a result of that, I gained an understanding of the workings of print media, and how to go about being published. So, basically, in this issue I have been published alongside my teacher, which is an absolute thrill.
Thought you might be interested to see my original Little Hootie:

The original is my favourite, but I had to re-work him for publication. The changes included getting rid of the buttons as well as the felted wings, and making him in a readily available yarn. I think he has more character in his original format... I can't resist those felted wings with blanket stitch edging!
Keep an eye out for Little Hootie, and let me know if you use my pattern to make one of your own.
And don't forget to let me know about any crafty podcasts you like to listen to.