Well, you can imagine how excited I am now that I have my very own!
It looks suspiciously like it belongs with a chess set, doesn't it?

I found this little gem at Lincraft... thanks to an anonymous tip off from one of my wonderful readers. A huge thank you to my confidential informant!!!
When I first wanted to purchase a hook this size, I was looking at the crazy price of $30 for the hook plus an additional $30 for postage... a total of $60... arghhhh! Mr Goldfish told me not to worry, that he would make me one. I'd have loved that, and one day it might still happen, but (and no disrespect intended towards Mr Goldfish here) it did take him three whole years to put up a clothes line in the back yard...
Not wanting to sound like an advertisement, but it was only $9.99... so I decided to indulge myself and pick up a tunisian crochet hook too. Tunisian hooks actually look like a cross between a knitting needle and a crochet hook.
I've been intrigued by tunisian crochet, so I had a little play with the new hook this afternoon. It's always fun to learn a new technique. If anyone out there is thinking about experimenting with this method - don't be afraid of colour work. Often changing colours in your work will increase the degree of difficulty, but I honestly think that with tunisian... using a second colour makes it easier to discern between the stitches, and therefore easier to pick up the technique. That's my thoughts anyway...

Happy Happy!!
I am so Happy you got that new hook. I can not believe that you Could have paid $60. Wow!!!
What a steel for $9.99.
Have fun making something new.
Thank you for the tuturial on unraveling a sweater. I bought one and washed it, than 2 days later you did your article. I did not know what to do after washing it. Now THANKS to you I know how !!! I had to wash it cause I am allergic to everything.
Holy cow! Looking at it, I feel like you should get a running start to begin your chain.
Kind of like a pole vaulter...
And it totally looks like a pawn. Can't wait to see what you do with it!
I love the look of the tunisian work you have done. Is that just a practice piece or will that become something more???
The hook is unbeliveable, looks as if it was carved out of a table leg :) Can't wait to see what you'll make with it. And yes, the Tunsial piece looks really nice, I like the texture.
My largest hook is currently an 8mm. I didn't even know they went this big, lol.
And I have now spent a happy hour browsing the links in your sidebar. New, or did I not notice??
sherryknit - if you have dust allergies you might want to wear a mask when unravelling... you tend to breathe in quite a bit of gunk
oh2122 - thanks for the giggle :) I have a complete mental picture of an athlete pole vaulting with a giant hook :)
jacqui - just a practice piece... I'm still working at getting the edges even
misha - oh my goodness!!!! that's exactly what it looks like... a table leg...lol!
sam - the links have always been there :) but I've just recently added the babelfish translator... seeing a new icon on the side probably drew your eyes across there
I can't wait to see what you are goning to crochet with that table leg you got! You might want to make sure the Mr. Goldfish is around to help hold the tree trucnk you got there while you try to do your chain and foundation rows!
What a fantastic deal!
Gorgeous hook!!! Looks like it is smiling. And I think Tunisian crochet is well worth 'spreading the word about'. I find one edge always looks a little looser and am wondering if the placement of the hook in the last stitch is perhaps the clue - we are going one way and then coming back without turning the work which means there is no 'circling', however subtle - it is 'flat' work, more like weaving. It is also called Afghan stitch. I love how both sides are so different, one looking woven, one looking knitted. And I have read that the first knitting needles were hooked at one end and called knitting pins. Are we not engaging in a fascinating endeavour!
I have been following your blog for just a few weeks. Thanks! It's very inspiring.
Just wanted to add about Tunesian Crochet. It is really easier then normal crochet in my opinion. I made lots of little purses, pencil holders etc with this technique. Have fun trying it out! A bag would be my next project I think.
Hi! Just found your blog and have been reading and reading since.... I am also a fan of recycling and of using "unloved yarn", making up patterns as I go. Knitting & crocheting is much more fun this way! Found some new ideas here, thanks! :o)
Hi Purple and go the tunisain! There is a technique to get your edging straight, I'm still reading up on it so I can't tell you where I read or saw it. I have seen so much of it lately. I'd love to hold on to that big hook!
that's a serious hook. what a deal!
I followed you here from "Blogs of Note." That is an awesome crochet hook!! I can't wait to see what you create with it. :)
kelly - too funny :)
karen - we are indeed! and I'm always fascinated by your perspective and insight... thank you
anonymous - thanks for your comments about tunisian... I'm still at the point where it feels very slow and awkward, and it would be very easy just to cast it aside, and go back to what I know so well... but I just love that woven look, so I want to persevere
mimouna - glad to help... the internet is such a wonderful way of sharing our knowledge with one another, isn't it?
cat - goodie - I'll be on the lookout for that info...thanks
spinning ninny - yes! I could have bought six hooks!
cairo - thanks for stopping by... you should come back to see what I make with it :)
i love scraf.all cute scraf you've here.=))
but since malaysia is not a 4 seasons country( no winter :( ) i don't have any chance to wear it.
pity me.=(
Some shiny photos I love your Blog it sure is long
hartini - what a shame :(
jack - thanks for stopping by :)
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