Wednesday, November 16, 2011

My Denim Apron...


If you take a few steps back from the screen... close one eye.. and squint...

Maybe you'll be able to see my new denim apron...

I can!

And boy do I need an apron. I am oficially the World's Biggest Grot when it comes to cooking (or eating for that matter) and it's time to do something about it. I'm making my first ever apron. I figure that the denim will be heavy enough to protect my clothes from the kitchen disasters which are my everyday life.

Actually, now that I think about it - I have made an apron once before - in Year Nine Home Economics class at school. I can picture it now, a blue and white gingham check apron bibbed apron... with a belt tie...

Only one tie went straight out to the side like it should... and the other one went straight UP...

Maybe I'll get it right this time!

1 comment:

Kylie said...

I'm such a grub in the kitchen, that I never cook without an apron...good luck with sewing it...can't wait to see how it turn out :)