take a look at these sad items, some broken, some merely bent

but a couple of days ago, one of the hooks bit back...
I was working on the love heart, crocheting the two pieces together. The felt was very thick, and I had to apply quite a bit of pressure to poke my 1.25mm hook through both layers. To be honest it was quite hard work.
Then at one point, I poked straight into the index finger of my left hand.
I was in such complete shock... I didn't even say any naughty words. But let me tell you, that hook was embedded in my finger. I mean... actually stuck in PAST THE HOOK! I couldn't pull it straight out... because it was hooked on the inside. I had to maneuver the hook around and get it on just the right angle to remove it. At one point I truly thought I was going to pass out... but I was very brave!

Ohh I feel your pain.
I once had a 0.8mm hook in the finger. It killed, and it hurt to crochet. It was the worst couple of days of my life.. I even was reduced to doing.... HOUSEWORK *gasp*.
So is DNA embedding your new way of signing your work? Most of my milinery projects have that "feature".
I am impressed that you had the thought and gumption to take a photo!!!! Wonder what would have happened had you snagged a vein or artery....added it to the "well, now I know what it is like to crochet with....."
I'm sorry to see your bobo, hope you're feeling better. Love the teddy we see in the other picture. I love teddies. But crochet can be hsrd onyou, I know. Especially the tiny ones. They can be d-e-a-d-l-y. By the way it's my 1st year blogoversary and am having a giveaway and I'm wondering if you could invite your friends to come over. Thanks Have a terrific day.
Ouch! I think that is just as bad as sitting on a knitting needle. I didnt think you could break metal crochet hooks but now I know you can. I hope the finger mends soon so you can get back to crafting.
Ouchie wow wow, I hope it hasn't stopped you from using the hook!
wow... maybe that is the subconscious reason I do bulky work, and therefore need larger hooks. I certainly hope I am not able to impale myself on a 9mm hook!!
I hope you heal soon!
Oh no !!!!!!!! Painful ! Hope it heals quickly. I find chocolate helps . . .
the finger is healing well... thanks for your concern... no infection which is wonderful (must have been the anti-biotic powers of the chocolate)
A very talented man by the name of Mr Hendrix said that you haven't played (guitar) until your fingers have bled. I think it is quite clear that you are certainly a professional and very serious crocheter. Oh, and kudos for taking a photo while you were busy!
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