My collection is 'stored' in an old glass measuring jug, which sits on my desk. It's so tempting just to dip my fingers in and SWOOSH the buttons around. And I never resist the temptation! I allow myself to indulge...

At the moment, I have this thing about layering buttons. I don't seem to be capable of using a single button. I'm always wanting to go with the 'layer upon layer upon layer look' Somehow they just seem way more interesting that way!
I've been thinking about the eyes for the alien creature I am making for Master Nine. At first I was just going to use these large yellow buttons...

But then I started layering... and VOILA!

I think these will make fabulous alien eyes...
they look great, but I'm just curious how you will construct them so they stay together given that the holes for stitching are all in the middle
Brilliant! They will be perfect.
You ARE a very clever lady and I've been enjoying your blog so much since I discovered it.
Best wishes, Diane
Perfect alien eyes if you ask me. I too love buttons and layering them, can't wait to see the alien finished.
I like them a lot!
I like them a lot!
They look so much cooler when they're layered!!! I bet Master 9 will like your alien.
Very cool... I love the star buttons - will have to keep an eye out for some of those.
Cute idea!
So perfect! I love it. Can't wait to see the alien! :P
They're wonderful alien eyes. I'm looking forward to seeing more of this alien too.
beth - I would prefer not to glue them... I will find a way to position them so that I can still stitch them on... for example going through the top two holes of the purple ones, but he bottom holes of the yellow ones... does that make sense?
diane - thanks so much
jacqui - you may even see him finished (or close to it) in real life at our next crochet meet
jenny - thank you
lizabeth - yes... it definitely adds an extra dimension and a heap more character
robbie - thanks... stars are my all time favourite shape... oh... and hearts, of course!
sicilian - thanks
valerie-ann - he's coming to life... you'll see him soon :)
kaf - sweetie... so nice to hear from you again xx
You didn't quite get the Swedish accent in "layer upon layer upon layer", but you did succeed in making me hungry!
They do look perfect all layered up. I can't wait to see the finished alien too, and I'm very jealous of all you who will see it in real life :-)
I like the swooshing jar. We have a tin of beads that makes a good swooshing noise, or clanging if you drizzle them from your hand. My beads are in a bag though. Time to move them :-)
Swooshing is the kind of thing I find myself doing absentmindedly all the time too.
Really cute buttons!
Can I ask at what age did you start to use button eyes for your kids toys? I don't have any kids yet so I'm not sure at what age it would be ok to switch from embrodered only to buttons and beads. Thanks!
tess - my swedish accent isn't what it used to be... I was hoping you would recognise all those layers!!!
sam - thanks... I have my beads in glass jars (right next to my buttons) ... they're fun for swooshing too!
oh2122 - swooshing is good for the soul!
kelly - I would definitely avoid buttons on a cuddle toy for kids aged three years and under... frome age four and up MOST kids would be okay with buttons
fantastic alien eyes! great idea there
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