Little Miss Four only has one more session left at pre-school for the year. So it was time to organise the Christmas gifts for the staff there. I thought I could involve my daughter by allowing her to choose a bag for each of them.
I have so many bags already completed here, that she was spoiled for choice.
But things didn't go as smoothly as I had hoped, and the outcome is that she would like her 'teachers' to have a rainbow scarf each. I should have stood my ground and encouraged her to choose a bag instead. But instead... I'm thinking... "Oooohhh... rainbow scarves... they sound like fun... haven't made them before"
I love a new challenge... so the plans are set for rainbow scarves... yarn is organised, and off we go!
Of course they will be QUICK, SIMPLE and BRIGHT. I have until tuesday, but hopefully they will be done by tomorrow.
Okay, it has to be as I have suspected - you have MORE hours in the day in Australia. How many hats are you expecting to "have done by tomorrow"? "Staff" indicates more than one, like maybe a lot more than one!!! All (gentle) teasing aside - what vibrant presents they are going to be! And yet another 'check' in your "handmade Christmas" list. LMF is a delight.
I am wondering just how you manage to fit all this creative stuff into your day as well...
I thought of you and your buttons the other day when I found a "lost" hand made pink heart button....and I wondered how that alien monster was progressing.
Lucky teachers - such a great collection of colours!
I am wondering just how you manage to fit all this creative stuff into your day as well...
I thought of you and your buttons the other day when I found a "lost" hand made pink heart button....and I wondered how that alien monster was progressing.
Lucky teachers - such a great collection of colours!
I'm glad Karen has worked out how you do it. Australia just must have more hours in the day than elsewhere. Here in Europe I have not managed to do a hundredth of what you manage to get done and my children are older and so should be less work. And then you find the time to photograph it and write about it and share it with us.
Love the rainbow scarves plan - though my son's advent calender tells us you'll all be on the beach on Christmas Day!
All the best
You are definately fitting 28 hours into the day. So many projects! I would crumble under the pressure :-)
I'm looking forward to seeing rainbow scarves - with a pattern, of course, when you have time, lol.
are you going to crochet the scarves? i guess if you use a big enough hook they'll be done in time, but i just can't imagine how you work so much creativity into your day!
Stop inspiring me, darn it! :) Now I feel like finding some rainbow yarn! UGH! I can't wait to see what your hook creates!
Could you lend me a few extra hours in the day, (here in the US)??
Wow you are a great mom. I can't wait to see what they look like and I'll bet your daughter can't wait either.
karen - well... it is DAYLIGHT SAVINGS here at the moment... and it doesn't get dark until after 9pm... so it certainly feels like the days are longer at this time of year!
robbie - you've heard people talk about fitting INCIDENTAL exercise into their day... getting up to change the tv channel... parking in the furthest parking spot from the shop... etc... well, I try and fit INCIDENTAL CROCHET into my day :) wherever I can
whatsonox - yes... lots of aussies spend christmas at the beach... not the season for knitted scarves, but they will come in very handy in a few months time
sam - consider it done :)
robyn - yes, crochet... love the speed of crochet
leslie - I honestly hope that I NEVER stop inspiring you :)
hanna banana - I'll just need to find out what the postage will cost... lol!
sicilian - thank you
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