As you can see, the alien had a body... wings... and feet. Granted, they do need to be attached - but the basics are there.
And yet it looks bland, uninspiring and ugh!
I know it WILL get better. So much of what really makes a project special is found in the finishing touches. But at this stage I always start to wonder "what was I thinking"
I'm going to make a concerted effort today... to really get stuck into this toy. I need to push myself through the "ugh! barrier" and find my happy place. After all... Christmas is getting close now!
oh dear, i know that feeling. maybe add the features first, some eyes to look into may make it more insiring.
I know exactly what you are talking about. I usually put down my project and don't pick it up for the fear of not knowing where to start. ugh.
Keep Chug, Chug, Chugging along!
I can't see what you are worried about, everything you touch turns to a splendid eye catching item of crafting beauty. I just love that Bell too!
Just think Alien! Got anything that glows or springs outward, antenna's?
Well I think it looks as though it is going to be great. My poor baby penguin is stuck with just a forehead as I need to find some yellow/orange wool for the beak and that means getting the box out from whereever we put it when we were tidying up in an effort to find the only set of car keys. And then I'll need to find the pattern again (the book shelves have been rearranged in the hunt for the car keys).
So an alien with a body and legs and other bits - looks fine to me. Especially as I know you'll make him/her/it have a personality - and quicker than I'll find that yellow wool (I've given up on the car keys).
I know that you'll manage, and we'll all be admiring the finished alien. You're very good at the little details - I'm hoping this will rub off on me :-)
And I finished my rainbow scarf - photos on blog soon :-)
Lol @ whatsonox. It all sounds horribly familiar :-)
I know exactly what you mean by the ugh barrier. I have a basket full of unfinished things that are waiting patiently to be finished. At some point inspiration will come. I just like to add how mucj I enjoy your blog and beautiful foto's everyday! You are in inspiration to me, thank you!
I'm actually trying to make a stuffed bunny for a neice, how on earth do you sew the arms and other appendages on??? i can't figure it out and it looks awful
any help is appreciated!
thanks.... The Newbie
I love that you feel "stuck" at this point. It makes you seem more human to me :) You do so many amazing crafts, and get so much done in such a short time...it makes me feel like such a slacker because I can't finish a baby blanket in 2 months!
You can do it!!!
puglette - yes, I think the face will inspire me
jolincountry - isn't it awful when you do that! I'm learning to PUSH through the PAIN BARRIER
cat - you are a sweetheart - thanks
whatsonox - I can SO relate to your tale of lost items :)
sam - thanks :) I'll share everything I know!
dream on the wave - you're welcome! after christmas, I think I'll need to get stuck into some unfinished craft myself!
anabelle - I'll try and take some shots of my next doll as I sew her together... that might help
rachel b - lol! I'm VERY human :) and a bit naughty too... if a project is going to take me more than a couple of days, I have to seriously consider whether it is worth doing... otherwise I get bored too easily
jacqui - thanks for cheering me on!
thank you! I'm so stuck and my poor baby pink bunny is nothing but disjointed limbs and fluff :( so sad!
I gave it a go, its not the best looking bunny but i'm pretty proud considering it the first one i've ever made :)
anabelle - your bunny is adorable... I have left a comment on your blog :)
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