I made this stocking as part of a Christmas tree decoration swap. Unfortunately the white trim is a bit glarey in the photograph, but it is a fuzzy yarn with silver flecks through it. Because I worked it in a chunky yarn, it has come out a little on the large side for a tree decoration... but looks great hanging on a door handle.

The pattern is from this Christmas designs booklet by Jean Greenhowe. I know I have said this before, but I love Jean's knitting patterns. So much attention to detail... and the instructions are so clear. You can't go wrong! The holly was an afterthought... using felt from an old green jumper and some random red buttons.
I'm also working on the topsy turvy Cinderella doll from the same booklet. I have made her several times before... but always exactly as the pattern said to... right down to the colours used. This time I am making her in my own style... I've even included some crazy yarn! Should have some progress photos to share later this week.
I like the color and the texture of the stocking and how well the holly leaves go with it.
smashing! perfect buttons.
you could use a "pearl" with the green circles from the lights for mistletoe...
Lovely! Did it take long to make? I like the fuzzy quality of it!
Take Care!
Small Footprints
misha - I hadn't realised before, but you're right... it's a very textural piece
devi - ooooohhhh... and I've got some 'pearls' too... smart thinking :)
small footprints - not long at all... check back tomorrow I will link to a free pattern for a slightly smaller version
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