red hair... pieces of yarn tied firmly to the top of the head, and then I have untwisted the ply

12 arms... six down each side... I went with a curlicue look for these

10 legs... made them long and hairy... a decision which I know I will regret when my son's room is covered with the little hairs which shed (especially when they play tug-o-war with those legs)

8 eyes... a small piece of vinyl sits behind the buttons

and here his is in all his glory! what do you think?

he looks wonderful!
I love it! I want one!! LOL!
Fantastic! I love the eyes and arms, they look great. I'm sure master 6 will love it!
That is just gorgeous. I get it about the legs but they LOOK perfect. I bet your boy loves it - despite your gross negligence earlier.
I loved the one you made for your other son too.
That is off the hook. Wow! Great interpretation of the design. Very cool.
Oh I am smiling hugely......hoooray for you!!!!!
Fabulous! A real alien :-) I love the arms as much as I love the eyes, and that hair...LOL.
Your kids are going to have a wonderful Christmas!
Okay, it's official. I now am officially madly in love with you. Wow. I was gasping with pleasure as I looked at each foto. I only just discovered your blog yesterday and you've already inspired me in so many ways. I love everything about what you do, from the craftwork itself to the writing and the photos. Whee! Can't wait to start making stuff. Okay, gushing over. For today anyway. THANK YOU from Nashville, Tennessee!
Absolutely Fabulous!!!!
Love it and I am sure Master 6 will as well....
I think the curlicues treatment for the arms is very effective indeed - Christmas morning at the Goldfish Bowl is going to be a wonderful event!
well done!
Wow! That's all I can say. Wow!
It reminds me of a tesseract from A Wrinkle in Time, for some reason.
I don't think I've commented here yet, but I so love all your creations!
OMG....you are a creative mom. When i read your post earlier, i was thinking how can we make such a thing....This is what is called creativity to the core.
Merry christmas
Wow! I'm sure the kids will love it. The legs look so real, like tarantula's!
jenny - thanks :)
astaryth - he's not that difficult to make!
jacqui - I was a bit stuck with the eyes for a while there, but it all came together beautifully in the end
kaf - yes.. it's hard to know it I will EVER be forgiven for that negligence :)
karen - thanks so much
karen - and my alien would smile back... but wait... he doesn't have a mouth!
sam - I love the curlicue arms, too... and so much quicker than the scarf!
zabigdog - what beautiful feedback :) glad you are enjoying the blog... hope to inspire you down your own path of creativity!
robbie - I can't wait for christmas morning at the goldfish bowl... and the kids are so hyped up!!!
puglette - thanks sweetie :)
psmflowerlady - taa!
whatsonox - he's a little bit odd... but very cuddly
i kreative - thanks for stopping by
jennifer - thank you so much!
nima - it's amazing what you can do when you put your mind to it!
misha - YES... the legs are very much like those of a big fat hairy spider
wow i love it!!!!!
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